Drago Ibler - arhitektura kao ideja života : knjiga sažetaka = Architecture as an idea for life : book of summaries / Međunarodni znanstveni skup u povodu stote obljetnice početka djelovanja arhitekta Drage Iblera, [Zagreb, 9. prosinca 2021.] = International scientific symposium marking the 100th anniversary of the beginning of architect Drago Ibler’s activity, [Zagreb, 9 December 2021] ; [uredništvo Andrija Mutnjaković, Borka Bobovec, Iva Ceraj ; prijevod na engleski Gorka Radočaj]
Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Economics of Decoupling (ICED) : Zagreb, 30 November-1 December 2020 : In memoriam: the 100th anniversary of birth and the 20th anniversary of death academician and professor Jakov Sirotković / [urednici Gordan Družić, Tomislav Sekur]
Između pamćenja i povijesti : Kogojeva zbirka fotoportreta i počasnih povelja : Gliptoteka HAZU, Zagreb, 16. ožujka - 18. travnja 2021. = Between memory and history : Kogoj’s collection of photographic portraits and honorary charters : Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts 16 March - 18 April 2021 / [autorice tekstova, authors of the texts Branka Marinović ... [et al.] ; prijevod tekstova na engleski jezik, English translation Sanja Alexander Pehnec]
Skulptura antičke Salone : iz fundusa Gliptoteke HAZU : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Gliptoteka, [Zagreb, 5. lipnja - 4. srpnja 2021.] = The sculpture of antique Salona : from the holdings of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Glyptotheque / [autorice tekstova, catalogue written by Jasna Jeličić Radonić, Magdalena Getaldić, Ana Torlak ; prijevod na engleski, English translation Graham McMaster ; urednice, editors Jasna Jeličić Radonić, Magdalena Getaldić]
Arheologija pećina na zadarskom području - recentna istraživanja : povodom 120 godina speleoloških istraživanja na zadarskom području : knjiga sažetaka = Archaeology of caves in the Zadar region - recent research : on the occasion of 120 years of speleological research in the Zadar region : book of abstracts / [urednica, editor Martina Dubolnić Glavan ; prijevod na engleski jezik, translation to English Marija Kostić]